VS2005SP1的新建ASP.NET WEB应用程序
作者: haiyun
编辑: 海韵 发布日期: 2007-03-07 00:00:00 点击量: 14120
来源: haiyun.net
VS2005在安装SP1补丁后可以在新建项目中新建ASP.NET WEB应用程序,此时新建的ASP.NET程序和以前用03时候的类似,可以把公共的类文件放在任意的地方而不需要放置在专门的APP_CODE目录下了,而在新建网站时建立的ASP.NET程序是必须要放在这个目录下的.
WebApplication 和 WebSiteProject 的区别
There are a few reasons why the VS 2005 Web Application Project ends up being significantly faster than Web Site Projects in these "full rebuild" scenarios. The main reason is that (like VS 2003), the VS 2005 Web Application Project option only compiles your page's code-behind code and other classes within your project. It does not analyze or compile the content/controls/in-line code within your .aspx pages -- which means it does not need to parse those files. On the downside this means that during compilation it will not check for errors in those files (unlike the VS 2005 Web Site Project option which will identify any errors there). On the positive side it makes compilations much faster.
之所以MSDN的示例无法运行原因就在于编译的方式,示例中的控件代码放在App_Code文件夹下,该文件夹由.net run time在运行的时候自动编译,这在WebSite模式没问题,当项目在WebApplication模式时,由于该模式自动的也会编译一遍所有代码,所以会出现重名的问题,这在http://webproject.scottgu.com/CSharp/migration2/migration2.aspx中有详细提示:
VERY, VERY IMPORTANT: Because ASP.NET 2.0 tries to dynamically compile any classes it finds under the /App_Code directory of an application at runtime, you explictly *DO NOT* want to store classes that you compile as part of your VS 2005 Web Application Project under an "app_code" folder. If you do this, then the class will get compiled twice -- once as part of the VS 2005 Web Application Project assembly, and then again at runtime by ASP.NET. The result will most likely be a "could not load type" runtime exception -- caused because you have duplicate type names in your application. Instead, you should store your class files in any other directory of your project other than one named "app_code". This will be handled automatically by the "Convert to Web Applicaiton" command. This command will rename the folder Old_App_Code.
关于在两种模式中控件开发的不同点,关键问题还有一个,就是aspx mark up页面中注册控件代码的方式
<%@ Register TagPrefix="aspSample" Namespace="Samples.AspNet.CS.Controls" Assembly="ControlTest"%>